Ways to Get Involved



To pray is the greatest work. Some say that “to go” is “prayer in action.” We believe that prayer is “love in action.” Jesus loved deeply and prayed often. May we do the same. Do you want to know how to love the children of Haiti in the best way possible? Pray.


Help sponsor a class, and/or feed some children.

This incredible PreK-9 School, run by Source de la Grace on their campus, is uncompromisingly Christian and consistently pursues excellence.. For up to $500/year, you will make a significant difference in a classroom, helping pay the teacher and provide what is needed for them to educate well. A badly-needed Feeding Program for the students began in April 2021, and up to $500/year provides nutritious meals for a student five days a week.

Join a team.

Practical ministry teams are forming to help Haiti Joy Hope “look after orphans in their distress” and to “keep oneself from being polluted by the world” while remembering to “do everything with love.” (James 1:27 & 1 Corinthians 16:14) Let us know your interest & watch for more info soon.


Influence a young adult’s future.

When a child living at the Children’s Home completes their education at the School, Source de la Grace hopes to send them to their own Vocational Training School, which is in the process of being built. Your donation of any size can help them complete this building and establish programs that will change lives for many years to come.

Sponsor a child.

The children living at the Children’s Home need us … they need prayers; love and acceptance; our support of $100/mo per child allows them to be fed, cared for, educated, and invested in by Source de la Grace church and their excellent Home Mamas.


Go. Serve. Give. Love. Invest.

When it is deemed safe by the Source de la Grace leadership to travel within Haiti, Haiti Joy Hope will begin sending their Executive Director and hopefully taking small teams to learn and to minister in a hands-on type way. Check the section titled Updates & Trips to learn about any upcoming trips you can apply for that are needing team members. And your donation designated for Trips will make a difference even if you are unable to go yourself.